Monday 27 April 2009

Altered Business Checkbook

I have had this skinny business checkbook for ages. I sat in my studio with ideas percolating when I spied it on the shelf and thought it would make a perfect book for Goddesses. I had my fellow art goddesses over on the weekend and we had a blast. I worked in my goddess journal. I am trying to figure out how I am going to alter the cover of this new Journal. It looks far too new. I think sandpaper will be involved. :) tune in for future updates.
The 50's domestic goddess

The Renaissance Goddess

Earth Mother

And the oldest Goddess, Venus of Willendorf

more goddesses to come . . .


Anonova said...

Oh this is GREAT! I so wish I'd been able to make it over. Looks like much fun was had by all. :)

Seth said...

Cool concept. It it turned out fantastic! Maybe you should submit it to Somerset Life!