I love experimenting with different media and combining different media. I just got some plastercloth and used it on these ATC size cards. It has a fabulous texture. I want to use it again and carve into it next time. They are a part of my Inspiration Deck that I can go to for ideas. I collaged a single watercolour sheet all over and cut it up for the set. I ended up with about 64 cards if I recall correctly. I have almost 2/3's of them done. Done is relative though as I often like to go back and add to journal pages or whatever I work on.
This guy was done on my iPad using the Harmonious App and drawing with my finger. I hope they make a tablet with the same touch screen as the iPad. It is so cool to draw that way. It feels so organic for a digital device.
I also like doing faces in every media to see how they transform. Play is so good for your expression for a visual artist. :)
Old Movie starlet done with Pan Pastels in my new Sabrina Ward Harrison journal it has bristol pages and is wonderful to work in.
Going wild on the iPad still using Harmonious.

Very mixed media here! Pizza cutter lines (acrylic paint) Pan Pastels, some conti crayons, rubber stamps, pigma pens, pencil and I think thats it. This is my big beautiful leather journal with hot press watercolour pages, yummy!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Oh I guess that is just to my Canadian friends.
Lovelovelove your new faces. :) Those apps look so fun!
ooooh, patti! i love what you did with the plaster cloth! how some 'cells' are open, and the edges! (and colors!)
excellent piece - glad to have you submit your work!
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